End of Day (EOD)
EOD Reports Not E-Mailed / Printed
Sometimes, even if EOD is ran and fully completed, reports may not be e-mailed due to internet connection or other such issues. Currently, there is no known exact cause as to why this occurs. If, after running an End Of Day, you do not see reports ...
Auto EOD Troubleshooting
Sometimes a location running auto End Of Day will be missing a journal or may have not reported or printed reports it was supposed to. The following are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and verify that auto EOD is setup and being used ...
Overlapping Time Clock Warning
If the below error message appears when running payroll or when performing the EOD here is how to fix it. The error is telling you which employee has an overlap in their time clocks, what day it is for, and what time is being over lapped. To fox this ...
Check Settled Batch via DSR
There are numerous ways to check if a batch has settled. One of the easiest ways to check if a batch has been settled is by looking at the DSR (Daily Sales Report) for the day in question. Under the "Bank Deposits" Column If Deposit #9 is populated ...
Troubleshooting System Totals Mismatches
Troubleshooting System Totals Mismatches Every company is different, but all of them need to account for the money at the end of the day. This page will give you some basic reports and thoughts on how to track down where money could have gone. Server ...
Emailing / Printing Last Night’s EoD Reports
What to do if your system did not print or email the End of Day reports for the most recent End of Day processed: To reprint last night’s end of day reports, open Manager Console, click Utilities, and click “Reprint Yesterday’s EoD Reports”. To ...
Processing End of Day
Front of House: Run all server checkouts. Make sure all checks are closed (included any manager checks). Make sure any Manager Credit Card transactions have tips entered (even if it is a zero tip). Back of House: Open the Management Console(MC) ...
Setting Up Auto Email Reports for End of Day
For Version 7.2 and newer: 1. In MC, go to Setup -> System Preferences -> EOD Setup. 2. Click the “Reports” tab 3. Click one of the empty options that say “none” in the white box on the left. Scroll down if need be 4. Select the report from the drop ...