Checkouts are completed when a FOH employee is done taking orders for the shift or day. Checkouts are the summary of an employee's transactions from their first until checkout. Checkouts reconcile transactions, sales, and tenders to make sure that employees and locations are paid appropriately. Checkouts are also used to calculate tip-outs for bussers, food runners, bar backs, etc..
Checkouts Explained
To perform a check out, press the ‘Check Out’ button from the ‘Employee Menu.’ Checkouts completed by mistake can be reopened from the 'Reopen Check' button in the employee menu.
Using this example, the header of the checkout lists the server performing the checkout, the date & time, and which checkout this is for the day.
This checkout lists sales from each department from which the server sold items (food, liquor, retail, etc.). For this example, this server only sold food.
This checkout shows the dollar amount and the percent of total sales each department accounts for from the total sales for the shift. This checkout shows that the "Food" department accounts for 100% of the server's total sales, to a total of $83.13.
Checkouts also lists any deductions given and taxes collected.
After sales, checkouts list the tenders, or types of payment, taken. The default onePOS setup has checkouts subtract credit tips from cash taken to produce the “Cash Due.” A positive number indicates the employee owes the house while a negative indicates the opposite. For this example, this server collected $46.85 in cash as payment and received $6.99 in credit card tips. $46.85-$6.99=$39.86 that the server owes to the house. If the server took all credit cards that day, the "Cash Due" would be a negative number, indicating that the house owes the server his/her credit card tips.
Finally, the checkout lists all credit cards taken during the shift and breaks out the sale, tip, and total for each transaction. The bottom of the checkout has a place for managers to sign off on employees front and back of house side work and silverware.
Every location handles checkouts differently, some locations opt to pay tips on paychecks. In this scenario, the cash due will never be negative. Speak with your management team for details on how your location handles checkouts and payroll.
All credit tips must me entered to complete a checkout and checkouts must always be completed before an employees clocks out. All employees that handle transactions must check out before management can complete End of Day. This includes managers that have taken or closed tables. Back of house workers will not need to check out.
If an employee has multiple checkouts for a day and a manager needs to open them to locate and modify a transaction, all checkouts will be combined into a single checkout when the employee checks out again.