Refund and Add Tips Through Transafe

Refund and Add Tips Through Transafe

If you need to process a refund or add a missed tip through TranSafe, the process is fairly straightfoward.
Refunds and adding tips can be done easily through the POS system, this is just for those situations where EOD was already ran and tips need to be added or refunds need to be given.


- Log into TranSafe Dashboard

- Navigate to Reports > Transactions > Transaction History

- In the transaction list, click on the 3 line menu all the way to the left for the target transaction.

From here, you can choose Refund to refund the transaction in part or in whole.

Here you can insert the total and tax amount to be refunded.
You will not be checking tax exempt unless the transaction was originally tax exempt (which is a rare case)
If you are refunding a customer in full for a full amount (ex. if they were given the wrong check) be sure to put in the full amount in for total, nothing in for tax, and check tax exempt

Adding Missed Tip

From the same 3 line menu, you can also select New Transaction to add a missed tip

Select "Sale"

If you are just adding a tip, put the tip amount in the Total Amount field , and DO check tax exempt.
Leave the tip and tax amount blank.

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