Size Levels

Size Levels

Here is how to utilize size levels. Size levels are good for both Pizzas or Liquor sizes like Dbl, Rx, etc.

Do note that if you go to Setup > System Preferences > EOD Setup and check the box for Size Pre-Pend before creating size levels, the size prepend will display BEFORE the item name instead of after.

This will control how it displays on both the terminal and receipts.

(ex: Box checked - DBL Vodka
Box unchecked - Vodka DBL)

1. Set up your size level prepend
  - Create item named for a size. Dbl
  - Check the box Prepend
  - Go to Pricing Tab
  - Click the drop down and choose Size Level 1

 - Put on button location under Screens

2. Repeat Steps of #1 and Create Rx
  - Under Pricing set to Size Level 2

3. Make sure all sizes under the Parent Items are set to -None


4. Under Modify Merchandise Hit Add Sizes

5. Prompt for new Items will pop up for each liquor and each size so you can price each item
  - Each item will be on no location which is what we want

6. Once done you should have all sizes for each drink created and also the new drinks will be linked to the size level of the main drink.

You can change prices of your sizes easily using Bulk Size Pricing

 - Edit a screen group and check Tab Out Prepends
 - Setting your size button locations  you can set to locations numbers 1 - 7
    to set them to a button that does not take your button grid.

You can also prompt for size levels by setting an items base price to 0.02 and changing the dining area setting for 'popup two cent pricing'

With this method, you don't have to use tab out prepends as the size levels are in another menu that comes up after selecting the item. It is all preference if you want to set it up this way instead.

1. Go to merchandise > modify merchandise , select the item with the size levels , select edit, then go to the Pricing tab. Set Base Price to      0.02 (2 cents)

2.  Go to setup > revenue source setup > dining areas , select the dining area with the items with price levels, select edit.
      Then select "Lookup"

3. Lookup "popup" or "cent" to find the setting Popup Two Cent Pricing and double click this setting until the X appears indicating it is selected. Then Click Ok.

This is how the POS will look when you select the item you set to 0.02 that has size levels available:

Note that with this method, to select an item with size levels available, you can only select from those size levels.
If you want to select the base item with no sizes attached, you will have to create a duplicate of the base item but with no size levels applied.

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