Setting Up Pricing Rules Per Item AND Dining Area

Setting Up Pricing Rules Per Screen Group AND Dining Area

In this example, the customer requested to have their appetizers 20% off, only in the bar and lounge, every day from 3-6.

Merchandise > Modify Merchandise , selected screen group for appetizers / starters
Selected an item within this screen group, selected edit, went to pricing tab
Checked price level 5. This price level was not already in use.
Make sure to check a pricing level that is not already in use when you are doing this yourself.

Went to merchandise > price levels for price level 5 and set it up like so:

Checked all dates
Set times to 3.p to 6.p
Default price "80." and checked %. this would make the item 80% of its original price, or 20% off.

Went back into merchandise > modify merchandise for appetizers , did bulk edit for auto-pricing and set each item to 128

Went to setup>revenue source setup>dining areas
Went through each area under pricing tab and made sure price level 5 was unchecked for every area but bar and lounge.

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