Set Links and Prices Per Screen Group

Set Links and Prices Per Screen Group

Merchandise items are often used across multiple screens. Screens may need to have different prices or links enabled depending on the screen. For example, an appetizer might be displayed on appetizer, happy hour, late night, online, and/or third-party screen groups. Let's say that "Appetizer A" normally costs $10. During happy hour it costs $5, and on Uber Eats it costs $13. We could "add like" new merchandise items that are all called "Appetizer A," have the correct prices, and display in their respective screen groups. However, this would not be ideal for reporting as "Appetizer A" will now take up multiple line items in reports that need to be added together instead of one line that accounts for all sales. It's the same story with links like "food mod" that you wouldn't want online guests to have access to, but can't afford to lose in-store. Using the "advanced" button in "Merchandise> Modify Merchandise> Edit> Screens" allows us to turn links and prices on/off for the different screens a merchandise item appears in. 

 Start by navigating to the merchandise item that you would like to adjust. For this article, we will use this merchandise item named "Chips" that appears on our "Appetizer" screen, as well as the screen we use for our online ordering "EXT_Appetizer."  This merchandise item utilizes three links and three prices between the two screens, but neither screen uses all three of either.                                                                 

To make this work, start by entering all of the prices this item can have. In this example, the item normally costs $4.99, the happy hour price is $2.49, and the price that guests will see online is $5.99. You may define the prices manually or employ a pre-configured price levels. 

The next step is defining all links this item can use across all screens. Best practice is to group the links, in order, by the screen group the in which item is displayed. This example shows the first and second links that we use in-store. We then list our links that we need for our online menu. The "EXT_Chips Mod" link as it isn't exactly the same as the "Chips Mod" link we use in store and we won't be allowing the "food mod" link to external guests. You may or may not need to add or change links for different screens. 

Once links and prices are defined for an item, navigate to the screens tab for that item. This tab shows all screens that an item is currently displayed on, its location on that screen, the attributes for the button on that screen, and the advanced options for each screen. Use the advanced button for each screen to let the onePOS system know how that item should behave on that screen. 

Clicking the "Advncd" button opens a prompt to make selections about that item for the screen. Starting with the "Appetizer" screen that our "Chips" item displays on, notice that the default pricing is set to our base price of $4.99. In the left column we've also allowed price #1 since that is the happy hour price that applies in store. You can see in the pricing example above, "Price #1" will only take effect Mondays-Thursdays until 7 PM. 
In the right column, only the links that are appropriate for internal staff use are selected. The "EXT_Chips" link is a version of the "Chips Mod" screen for online use and would be redundant if allowed for this item on the in-store "Appetizer" screen. 

The next screen our "Chips" appetizer appears on is the "EXT_Appetizer" screen that's been created for online ordering. Many third-party online and delivery platforms collect a premium for merchandise sold through their platform. For this reason, it is common for business owners to charge more for their offerings when sold through these platforms. The above example shows that when this item is sold from this screen, only the "Alt Price" of $5.99 and "EXT_Chips" link is allowed. 

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