Reports - Sales Reports - Daily Sales Report - DSR

Reports - Sales Reports - Daily Sales Report - DSR


The Daily Sales Report is the most standard report, used to see overall sales for a specific time period, whether that be for a day, a month, or even a year.

About the Daily Sales Report

How to Generate a Daily Sales Report

  1. Open Manager Console
  2. Go to "Reports" - "Sales Reports" - "Daily Sales Report..."
  3. You will be prompted to choose your filters for the report
    1. Choose the start and end date on the far left. If both are the same day, then it will generate a report for just the one day.
    2. Select which revenue centers you want the report to include. (All are selected by default.)
    3. Select which time periods you want to include. (These can be changed under "Setup" - "System Preferences" - "Reporting Time Periods." All are selected by default.)
      "Run Printer Set-Up" displays the printer job setup screen before the job is printed, allowing you to select the target printer, number of copies, and the page range to print.
      "Show Zero Lines" will cause the report to include lines that have no value and would typically be hidden. (This would include sales numbers for sales departments, deposits, and pay categories for the labor cost analysis).
  4. Click "Print" to immediately print the report (This will print to the default printer assigned in Windows Settings), or click "Preview" to view the report.
  5. When previewing the report, you will have access to a few tools at the top of the window.
"Print..." will allow you to print the report.
"Zoom In" will allow you to increase the visual size of the report. This will magnify twice before reverting to original size. You can also increase the size by changing the size of the window.
"Zoom Out" will reduce the visual size of the report. 
"Email" will allow you to email the report as a pdf to a specific email address.
"Save" will allow you to locally save a copy of the report to your computer in a pdf format.
"Close" will exit from the preview of the report.

Understanding the Daily Sales Report

The Daily Sales Report is broken down to give you a breakdown of all of your sales versus your payments and shows you how you balance. The left sections of your report give you the totals of the sales and payments and shows the balance between them. The right sections of the report give a breakdown of all your sales and payments. And the bottom sections of the report show additional statistics and information such as estimated sales per guest or alerts on reopened checks etc.
**See attached for an example of a Daily Sales Report**
The header provides information about how the report was generated

"Sales | Daily Sales and Cash" - This is the name of the report.
"Page # 1 of 1" - This tells you which page of the report you are viewing out of the total number of pages in the report.
"onePOS Version: 22.4.03" - This is the version of the POS software that the report was generated on.
"1:47pm 10-09-2023" - This is the date and time that the report was generated
"onePOS Direct" - This is the name of the business as appears on the POS license.
"Date: 10-06-2023" - This is the date range that the report was ran for.
"Time Periods: All" - This shows which time periods are selected for the data.
"Rev Ctrs: All" - This shows which revenue centers are selected for the data.


The income section shows a breakdown of your sales by Sales Department. Certain Sales Departments can be marked as "Non-Revenue" which will cause it to be displayed in the "Non-Revenue Income" section and is a great way to separate non-revenue sales on your reports.

Name - The name of the Sales Department
Gross (pCD) - The gross sales pre-Cash Discount, and before any reductions. If you store utilizes cash discount, this number is your sales if EVERY sale was paid for using card and NO cash discounts were applied. Cash discount gets calculated in the "Accountability" section
Voids - The total dollar amount of voids applied
Refnds - The total dollar amount of refunds applied
Net - The total sales after voids and refunds. If your store utilizes cash discount, this number will be the Net total if EVERY sale was paid for using cash and had cash discount applied for each card
Discnts - The total dollar amount of discounts applied
Coupns - The total dollar amount of coupons applied
Comps - The total dollar amount of comps applied
Net/Net - The total sales after reductions

Gift Card Sales & House Acct Payments

The Gift Card Sales and House Acct Payments shows the 'sales' paid towards gift cards or house accounts. It can also be seen as the liability generated for the store as a result of these two payment methods.

Name - The name of the Sales Department
Gross - The gross sales before any reductions
Voids - The total dollar amount of voids applied
Refnds - The total dollar amount of refunds applied
Ideal - The amount expected by the POS system to be applied to Gift Cards and House Accounts 
Actual - The real amount that was applied to Gift Cards and House Accounts, this could be different due to changes being made on oneMetrix and not recorded on the POS system
Discnts - The total dollar amount of discounts applied
Coupns - The total dollar amount of coupons applied
Comps - The total dollar amount of comps applied
Net/Net - The total dollar amount sold or actually paid


The Taxes section shows a breakdown of your taxes by tax department. Note that the total "Taxable" amount may not match the "Total Income" due to some items not having any tax department selected.

Name - The name of the Tax Department
Taxable - The dollar amount of sales that is taxable by the Tax Department
Tx Exmpt - The dollar amount of sales that was tax exempt from the Tax Department
Tax Col - The total tax collected from the Tax Department


The Accountability section shows a breakdown of all the sales and transactions that were recorded by the POS system.

Total Income - The total income from sales, this figure is taken from the Net/Net total in the "Income" section
Non-Revenue Income - The total non-revenue income from non-revenue sales, this figure is taken from the Net/Net total in the "Non Revenue Income" section
Gratuity Income - The total dollar amount of House Rate in Gratuity
Tip Fee Income - The amount collected for tip fees, this rate is set by payment type
Surcharge - *This field has been deprecated and no longer records data*
Gift Sales - The dollar amount of gift card/certificate sales
House Acct Payments - The dollar amount of House Account Payments
Taxes Collected - The total dollar amount of taxes collected, this figure is taken from the Tax Collected total under the "Taxes" section.
Cash Disc Adjust - The amount the income is adjusted to include credit card pricing when utilizing Cash Discount
Cash Disc Given- The discount given for cash payments when utilizing Cash Discount
Petty Cash (+)- The dollar amount of Cash Pay Ins
Petty Cash (-)- The dollar amount of Cash Pay Outs

Bank Deposits & Non-Cash Payments

The Bank Deposits & Non-Cash Payments section shows records of the money collected and by payment type.

Each bank deposit shows the amount of money received for payment types settled to that deposit number.
Deposit #1 is typically reserved for Cash payments and will give the cash due totaled from checkouts.
Deposit #9 is typically reserved for Credit Card payments, and will give the dollar amount returned from the payment processor when settling a batch. This number can be used to verify whether a batch was settled or not, and should match the "Actual" for the CreditCard payment method. If there is no Deposit #9, then a batch was ran before end of day was posted and this journal was closed.
Deposit #10 is reserved for Gift Card payments, and will give the dollar amount returned from oneMetrix when settling a batch.
Deposit numbers can be changed in the Payments Setup.
The Cash total and non-cash payments show what our income should be.
Base - The initial dollar amount in sales that was closed out to the payment type
Tip - The dollar amount being adjusted to the payment type for tips. Tips are added to non-cash payments, but removed from cash since they are paid out to employees using the cash from this period's sales
Other - The dollar amount being adjusted to cash, usually from petty cash, tip fee income or spiffs
Total - The total dollar amount expected to be received from the payment method
Actual - The real dollar amount received from the payment method recorded by the individual who entered the system totals when running End of Day
Diff - The difference between the total (expected) amount versus the actual amount (recorded by an individual)


This section breaks down the total for the payments the business received.

Cash - The actual dollar amount received from cash payments
Non-Cash - The actual dollar amount received from Non-cash payments
Gift Sales Diff - The difference between the Ideal and Actual gift sales
House Acct Diff - The difference between the Ideal and Actual House Account Payments
House Tax Comp - The real dollar amount received from the payment method recorded by the individual who entered the system totals when running End of Day
House Grat Comp - The difference between the total (expected) amount versus the actual amount (recorded by an individual)


This section shows you the difference between your accountability and receipts or sales and payments.

Total Accountability - The total dollar amount expected to be received by the business
Total Receipts - The total dollar amount received from payments
Over - The total dollar amount received in excess of what was expected by the POS system.


Table Sales - The total dollar amount of sales for tables
Tickets - The number of individual transactions taken. When a check is split, each split counts as a ticket
Tables - The number of table transactions taken. You can set dining objects from a specific dining area to NOT count as a table by going to "Dining Areas" - Select a dining area - "Ordering" tab, then in the 'General' section, enable "No Guest Count"
Guests - The number of guests served. Guests are only counted on Table Sales.
Calc Guests - The calculated number of guests served. This assumes a new guest based upon a specific criteria sold in a ticket. For example, the system can increment the number of calculated guests for every $30 sold on a check, thus giving a better idea of how many guests were actually in the business rather than just the amount inputted into the system. This can be set up with "Rules"
$ / Ticket - The average dollar amount of sales per individual ticket
$ / Guest - The average dollar amount of sales per guest
$ / Calc Guest - The average dollar amount of sales per calculated guest
$ / Table - The average dollar amount of sales per table
Guests / Table - The average number of guests per table
Calc Guests / Table - The average number of calculated guests per table
Min / Table - The average duration (in minutes) a table is open
Take Out Tickets - The number of tickets closed in a dining area with the "To Go" flag enabled. This checkbox can be found under "Dining Areas" - "Ordering" tab, in the 'General' section labeled "Togo"
Take Out Sales - The total dollar amount of sales closed in a dining area with the "To Go" flag enabled
Customer Count - The number of tickets closed with a Customer ID assigned to it
CSI Count - *This field has been deprecated and no longer records data*


This section shows you brief information on price changes and reopened checks.

Price Changes - The number of times a Price Change was applied and the total dollar amount for the difference between the original price and the new price made by price changes
ReOpened Checks - The number of checks that were reopened and the total dollar amount of sales in those checks
ReOpened Reduced - The number of reopened checks that had a price reduction applied and the total dollar amount for the difference between the original check total and the new check total made by applied reductions
This section gives you information for when the end of day was processed and this journal was written.

Time Close - The time the end of day was processed and the journal was closed
Date Close - The date the end of day was processed and the journal was closed
Manager Close - The ID of the employee who processed the end of day and closed the journal
Journal ID - The ID of the journal as recorded by the POS system
NRT Begin - The Non-Resettable Total at the start of the journal. You can hide this from appearing on your Daily Sales Report by going to "Setup" - "System Preferences" - "EOD Setup..." Then under the general tab, enable "No Print NRT"
NRT End - The Non-Resettable Total at the close of the journal
Begin Open Checks - The number of checks open at the start of the journal
End Open Checks - The number of checks open at the end of the journal
Version - The version of the POS system at the time of journal close

Additional Information

More metrics can be added onto your daily sales report such as labor cost, etc. See articles on "Rules" for more information.
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