If the below error message appears when running payroll or when performing the EOD here is how to fix it.
The error is telling you which employee has an overlap in their time clocks, what day it is for, and what time is being over lapped.
To fox this start by navigating to Employees>Query Labor
The next step is to select the employee is question and click view. (If for some reason the employee in question has been terminated since the date of the time punch then you can check the "Show Terminated" check box at the bottom of this screen to be able to find them.)
Once you are viewing the employee find the date and punch that are in question, highlight it, and click Edit.
Once in edit simply edit the "In Time" or the "Out Time" so it is no longer overlapping with and "In Time" or "Out Time" punch for that same day.
(In this example the "In Time" of 3:29pm overlaps with the "Out Time" of 3:30pm for that same date. Simply change the in time to 3:31pm and the error message will no longer appear when trying to execute labor based function.