Items that are sold in multiple quantities, portions, or servings can be linked together via "deduct to" and "deduct quantity" so that all servings of an item in limited supply are reduced when any one portion is sold. One example of this would be linking a glass of wine to its parent bottle. That way, every time 4 glasses are sold the bottle count is reduced by 1. Vice versa, if a bottle is sold, the glass count drops by 4.
For this KB we will be referencing the demo database that comes with a fresh onePOS install. In MC> Merchandise> Modify Merchandise we are looking at the "Full Baby Backs" and "1/2 Baby Backs" merchandise items under the "Entrees" screen group.
"Full Baby Backs" is the parent item in this case - the largest portion. If you edit this item, the "deduct to" drop down on the 'general' tab should be set to itself by default and the "Deduct Qty" should be set to 1. In this example we only have 10 full racks, or 20 half-racks, to sell. We can set that count in the parent merchandise item under "Qty Avail" or by using 'Adjust Countdown Items' in the manager menu.
"1/2 Baby Back Ribs" is the child item in this example. You can have more than one child, the setup steps are the same for all children. By default, all items will point to themselves in the "deduct to" drop down. We will need to point this item to "Baby Back Ribs" and set a deduct quantity of .5. Meaning that selling this item is the same as selling .5 of the full baby backs.
Both items must have the "Is Countdown Item" checkbox ticked in the general tab.
Once set up, you'll see the item counts listed on the FOH terminal. Adjusting the parent item count adjusts both item counts.
- It's important to note that this is not an "inventory feature" but merely a way to link items together via their relationship. The rib items above would still show on a product mix in separate lines and need to be added together.
-This setup can be used in tandem with size levels.
-For items like wine, management would need to update the bottle counts after every shipment. For countdown items that are replenished every day, use the "reset 86'd items" check box in 'EOD setup.'
-Exporting and mapping this data in a supported inventory system is another KB altogether.