Limit Individual Merchandise Item Availability to Specific Times (using 0.01 Price Level)

Limit Individual Merchandise Item Availability to Specific Times (using 0.01 Price Level)

You can set up an individual merchandise item to not be usable during certain times using price level 0.01

- Under Merchandise > Edit Merchandise in the Pricing tab,
- Set a price level to 0.01 (if you only put  0.1 it will default to 0.10 or 10 cents)

Read this next part carefully to make sure you understand because it can be confusing:

- Check the days the item will NOT be available,
- leave the days the item will be available unchecked.

- Do not check the box under 'PL' , the checkbox directly left of '0.01'

In this example, I want my item "Chicken Springers" to not be available Sat-Mon from 7am-9pm.

- Double check that this price level is allowed in Merchandise > Edit Merchandise in the Screens tab.

Now back in the terminal, on the days you have checked, this is how the item will appear and it will not be able to be selected.

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