Transaction lookup

How to Recall Past Transactions

Going over pos transaction query and reprint historical check from the manager menu.

To look into a transaction:
1) Open onePOS Management Console
2) Click POS- POS Transaction Query

You can filter by
Employee, Revenue Center, Dining area, Payment Method, Reduction type, Table number, Time frame, Amount, Customer/Last 4/Tix ID.

To search for a previous day you can select "Past Journals". Select the date and hit "Refresh".

You will be able to see more ticket details by selecting the ticket and clicking "Tix Details" on the right side of the screen.

Looking for a transaction/ticket from FOH.

1) Sign in as a manager.

2) On the manager menu, select Reprint Historical Check (if it is for a previous day) or Reprint Check.

If it is for a previous day, it will ask you to select the date:

Once selected, you will have the options at the bottom to filter how you would like to search for the transaction. 

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