Reporting Used to Run Payroll and How to Run the report
To get the data off of onePOS that you will need to do your payroll navigate to Reports>Labor Reports>Labor Details Reports
(I always recommend running a Labor Details Report as you can see a detailed account of all the clock in and clock outs for every employee during the time period you run it for)
Once you have navigated to the report you will then have to check the options on that report. Below is a screen shot. You will want to Select how you want to view the report in the drop down either by pay category (which will group all like pay categories together i.e. all the servers will be together, all the cooks will be together, ext.) or by none or name that will just put them in alphabetical or numerical order. The sort employ by check bubble allows you to further sort the way the employees are order by alphabetical or numerical order based on the selection (I generally use by last name here as that is how most payroll processors look at the payroll).
You will then want to select the time frame in which you want to run the report for. My recommendation is to use specific dates so you can put in the exact dates of the pay period.
Once you select those fields you are good to run the repot by hitting preview (as you can see there is a all pay categories listed in the middle of the screenshot, these will automatically select all categories once entering the report options. If you deselect any of the categories they will not appear on the report.
Below is that the report looks like. There are 3 key items that you will use on this report, Hours (regular pay hours accumulated), OT Hour (overtime hours accumulated), and Tips: (this is the sum total of what tips a tipped employee has declared).
I do check over the hours by day as well to ensure there was not an out of balance or suspicious punch that would not match what would have been scheduled.
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