Adding Dining Areas

Adding Dining Areas

It is usually recommended to Add Like from existing Dining Areas so that it has mostly the same features across all Dining Areas, then any specific adjustments and modifications are done through the Edit method. Generally, so that there are no issues regarding printing receipts, receiving and sending orders, and other details. 

1. To Add Like a Dining Area, first go to the Manager Console > Setup > Revenue Source Setup > Dining Areas.

2. Select one of the existing Dining Areas from the list and click "Add Like".

3. It will open the window with the ability to see every Dining Area Tab. Review each tab and setup as necessary. Then Click OK. 

4. It will now show the dining area added to the list. Click Done to finish.

Each dining area has specific features that can be modified as needed. Customize them as necessary under the Edit button moving forward. For more information about Dining Areas click here as reference.

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