If you accidentally do a cash paid out, the solution is simple:
Do a cash paid-in (terminal manager menu > cash paid in) for the same employee, and make sure the amount is the same as the amount of the cash paid out
Accidental Cash Paid Out: $50
Correctment of Cash Paid In: $50
This will make the record for cash paid in / outs balanced or zeroed out again.
- If a customer is using cash discount , sometimes when re-opening a check that was closed to a credit card, the cash balance will display as negative. - The balance on the check is still 100% correct, even if cash is displaying negative The reason ...
Cash Drawers & How They Work For an employee to “use” a cash drawer, they must have “Use Drawer #1” checked in their employee profile on the Security tab. If an employee only needs to use a cash drawer sometimes, such as a cashier (needs drawer ...
Did you know that you can enable the feature to prompt for how much cash in in the cash drawer prior to the bartender or cashier running the checkout report? This can be turned on by terminal. On the MC (Management Console) navigate to Setup>System ...
For credit card tips that will be paid on the employee's paycheck and not in cash at the end of the shift, the following box must be checked: Setup > System Preferences > Time Clock Setup > Check Box "Add CR Tips to Pay."