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Manager Console Overview
Manager Console, also referred to as Back-of-House, is an application that allows the user to control and monitor the the POS system. This application is included in the onePOS software package and is essential for any business to operate the onePOS ...
How to Pull a Report in oneMetrix
Go to oneMetrix.com After you log in, navigate to the reports option on the top menu (See screenshot below) Select the report, the date range, and click generate. This will allow you to view the report with options at the top to save it as a pdf or ...
How to Print Guest Number on Kitchen Chit
Open Manager Console Navigate to Merchandise> Printer Types > Select and Edit the printer Check the box "Always Print Guest" *Note: Consolidate Items needs to be unchecked
Links for Modifiers & Sides
Links How to use them and explanations The links tab defines the steps staff must go through to order an item completely. The steps that apply to this item must be defined here for all the screens it appears on. This example shows a steak and shrimp ...
Merging Checkouts
Here are steps to merge checkouts if multiple are ran. 1. Under the employee go to Employee Menu/ReOpen check 2. Reopen the only option that should be checkout 3. That will show all tables under that checkout as well as the previous checkout 4. ...